The Best Guide to Speaker Wire in 2024

Currently, almost all speaker systems are installed and used both by hobbyists and throughout the home. And the entire sound system cannot be used without the functioning of each component. Speaker wire  is one of the major players. So what role does it really play? Centrally, it connects the audio receiver or amplifier to the speakers.

Speaker cables come in different types, sizes, lengths and connections. In our blog post, we will dive into the important role of speaker wire and help you understand below this basics content:

  • How do we choose between different types of speaker wire?
  • How does it work?
  • How to connect?

What is speaker wire?

speaker wire

Speaker wire is a type of wire used to make the electrical connection between a speaker and an amplifier source. Its core is usually made of copper and can be stranded or solid. Speaker insulated wire usually consists of two wires (positive and negative) wrapped in an insulating jacket.

Speaker wire basics

  1. Insulation materials

Common insulation materials for speaker cable include polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Teflon, and polyethylene. Each material has its own unique advantages.

PVC: As one of the most widely used speaker wire insulation materials, PVC is favored for its excellent durability, flexibility, and affordable price. However, it may be slightly inferior to other insulation materials in terms of heat resistance.

Teflon: Teflon is an extremely durable and heat-resistant insulating material that is particularly well suited for audio equipment that requires high power output. It can be used in professional-grade sound systems and high-end home theater systems.

Polyethylene: Polyethylene also has excellent electrical properties and is resistant to moisture and abrasion. Compared to Teflon, polyethylene is more affordable. Polyethylene insulated speaker wire is widely used in home audio systems.

  1. Length

The selection and layout of speaker wires is a crucial aspect in the arrangement of a car audio system. Excessively long or inappropriate wiring will not only lead to distortion of the sound signal, but may also introduce unwanted electromagnetic interference, thus negatively affecting the listening experience. Therefore, it is recommended that users pay extra attention to the wiring and try to design the speaker cables as short as possible, which can effectively reduce the signal loss caused by the long distance as well as the interference brought by the external environment.

  1. Gauge (AWG)

Speaker wire gauge indicates thickness measured in American Wire Gauge (AWG). Thicker wire gauges have lower resistance and can handle more power without significant loss. Common gauges are 12 AWG, 14 AWG, 16 AWG, and 18 AWG.

speaker wire gauge

Meanwhile, there are many types of speaker electrical wire including copper and silver wire, oxygen-free copper (OFC), and bi-wire speaker wire. Different types have different properties and uses.

Different Types of Speaker Wires

Several types of speaker wire exist on the market. Each has its own special characteristics and uses. If you want to make a precise choice for your audio system wires, then understanding the differences between the different types below will make the choice much easier.

Copper Speaker Wire: Copper wire is widely recognized for its excellent conductivity and affordable price, making it the preferred choice for most home audio systems.

Silver Speaker Wire: Silver wire is known for its excellent conductivity, providing a clearer and more detailed sound experience. Although silver wire is more expensive compared to copper wire, it is an ideal choice for speaker enthusiasts seeking the ultimate in sound quality.

silver speaker wire

Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) Speaker Wire: OFC wire is made of copper using a refining process that significantly reduces corrosion problems caused by oxygen and ensures good electrical conductivity. Compared with standard copper wire, OFC wire in the conductivity and durability are improved, making it the preferred material for many high-end audio systems.

OFC speaker wire

Bi-wire speaker wire: It consists of two conductors – one for positive signals and the other for negative signals. This helps to optimize sound performance by eliminating cross-talk between low and high frequency signals. However, a two-wire setup requires equipment with the appropriate compatibility for best results.

Bi wire

When choosing speaker electrical wire, you need to consider factors such as the length of the wire, the power requirements of your sound system, and personal preferences. Talking to a professional technician or researching the market in depth will help you find the speaker cable that best meets your specific needs.

How Does a Speaker Wire Work?

The speaker wire transmits audio electrical signals between the amplifier/receiver and the speaker. The detailed steps are as follows:

Signal Transmission:

When an amplifier sends an audio signal, it travels through the speaker wire to the speaker’s terminals.

Conductor Connections:

It has two conductors (positive and negative) that connect to corresponding terminals on both the amplifier and speaker.

Electric Current:

Speaker wire carries an electric current that oscillates according to the audio signal’s waveform.

Magnetic Interaction:

The current in the speaker wire generates a magnetic field, which interacts with the speaker’s magnet and voice coil.

Sound Production:

The interaction causes the voice coil to move, creating vibrations in the diaphragm, which produce the sound waves we hear.

After the effective action of the speaker cables, you should eventually be confident that your system is sounding at its best.

How to connect speaker wire?

The following are the key tips provided for speaker wire connections so that we can follow them in a safe manner:

  1. First we need to identify the speaker terminals. They are usually located on the rear side of the speakers. Make sure these terminals are easily accessible during the connection process.
  2. The second step is to prepare the wire speakers . Next strip about a half inch of insulation from each end. This will expose the bare wire needed for a secure connection.
  3. The most important step is to carefully insert the bare wires into the appropriate terminals on the speaker cable connectors. Please take care to keep the wires securely fastened to avoid loose connections that could affect sound quality.
  4. Finally, repeat the above steps for each speaker in the sound system to ensure that all connections are firm and stable.
YouTube video

By following above steps, you can achieve the optimal setup for your sound system, improving performance and longevity!


In summary, this article covers all the important details about speaker wire. Understanding the different insulation types and choosing a reputable manufacturer can help you find the right wire for your speaker system. There is a wide variety of speaker wire to choose from among the products supplied by ZW cable manufacturers. Each product maximizes your listening experience!


What kind of speaker wire is best?

Generally speaking, wires made of 100% copper usually sound better than other materials.

Is thicker speaker wire better?

For long distances of speaker wiring it is best to use thicker, lower gauge wire. Therefore, be sure to use the thickest wire available for your equipment.

Can you use normal wire as speaker wire?

Speaker cables can be routed and hidden in cable ducts, next to light strips, or in-wall conduits. These alternatives help keep cables neat, secure and unobtrusive.

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Richard Zi
Richard Zi

My name is Richard Zi, and serve as the General Manager of ZW Cable. With a deep and extensive background of more than 15 years in the cable industry, I am excited to share my wealth of knowledge and experience.ZW Cable is a renowned company in the field of cable manufacturing in world, we specialize in selecting the best cable sizes and effectively solving all your cable challenges. If you have any questions or needs regarding cable solutions, please contact me and I assure you of the highest standards of personalized and effective guidance and support.View All My Posts >>

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